The Hero’s Adventure
March 10-12, 2017
First Landing State Park
2500 Shore Drive
Virginia Beach, VA
Cabin #20
Guest Presenter

Tom Crockett is an ordained minister and spiritual counselor. He is a teacher, lecturer, and student in the Pachakuti Mesa Shamanic tradition, as well as in Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, and Depth Psychology. He has worked as a spiritual counselor for over twenty years.
Tom has worked with indigenous healers in Mexico and North America and studied core shamanism through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. He is a Reiki practitioner and has studied bioenergetic healing with Mietek Wirkus. In 2001, he completed an apprenticeship in Paqo Wachu (Peruvian Shamanism) under the guidance of shaman and ceremonialist, Don Oscar Miro-Quesada. Tom has led and cofacilitated retreats in Oaxaca and Mexico City, Mexico, under the auspices of the Institute for Depth Psychology.
Tom has made an intensive study of dreamwork, especially as a tool for spiritual growth. He has been a featured presenter at the Association for the Study of Dreams International Conferences since 1998 and was an invited presenter to the Conference on Indigenous Healing Traditions of the Americas cosponsored by the National Institutes of Health in Washington, D.C. in 2002. Tom has presented at the Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND) with co-panelists Scott Kiloby and Jeff Foster, and been a regular presenter at the Paradoxica Conference on Nonduality.
Tom currently serves as Executive Director of Together We Can Foundation, a non-profit organization serving at-risk teens in Southeastern Virginia.
He has undergraduate and graduate degrees in fine arts from Old Dominion University (summa cum laude) in Norfolk, Virginia, and The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, respectively.
He lives in Newport News, Virginia with his wife, Kelly and is stepfather to three amazing children: Holly, Kasey, and Dylan.
Tom’s books:
• One Drop Awareness: Picturing Enlightenment and Nonduality
• PillowBook: Deepening the Art of Sacred Sexual Play
• Stone Age Wisdom: The Healing Principles of Shamanism
• The Artist Inside: A Spiritual Guide to Cultivating Your Creative Self
Website URL:www.coyoteenlightenment.com
This year’s schedule is an organic process more than a specific time table. Like a true hero’s journey, commitment is everything. So, while the event is open to those who can only attend on Saturday, the richest experience will be had by those that commit to being with us from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon. This year’s event will be facilitated by teacher and author Tom Crockett, as he takes us through symbolic model of the hero’s journey as it relates to our own lives.
Through a variety of activities ranging from visual presentation, engaged discussion, ceremony, music, and symbolic manifestation through art, our intention is to make this a personal journey for each participant. By the end of the weekend you should understand where you are on your own hero’s journey or your need to step over a threshold of your own or commit to completing a journey in which you find yourself stuck.
Friday, March 10, 2017
2:30pm — Staff arrive and set-up cabin and sacred space
5pm (and after) — Guest arrival and Check-in
6-7pm — Dinner
Friday Evening: The Calling and what it is that makes someone a hero
Saturday, March 11, 2017
8:30-9:30am — Arrival / Check-in / Breakfast
Saturday Morning: Crossing the Threshold and understanding the aspects of the quest
Saturday Afternoon: The Challenges and Opportunities of the Quest and making it personal
Saturday Evening: The Long Dark Night and the moment of Transformation
Sunday, March 12, 2017
8-9am — Breakfast
9-10am — Packing up and cleaning up (cabin must be vacated by 10am)
10:15am — Meet at the First Landing Main Picnic area for the remainder of the process
Sunday Morning: The Return Journey and the reintegration of hero in the ordinary realm
Lunch for anyone who wants to join us at Shorebreak Pizza and Taphouse, 2941 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23451